IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
27–31 May 2024 // Dublin, Ireland



Keynote Speakers

Eric Van Miltenberg, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Ripple

Jiahua Xu, Associate Professor, UCL; Head of Science, DLT Science Foundation

Sebastian Bode, Director of Engineering, Cardano Foundation

Jan Camenisch, CTO, DFINITY Foundation




Eric van Miltenburg

Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives


Title: University Blockchain Research Initiatives and Perspectives on Regulation



Eric van Miltenburg is the SVP of Strategic Initiatives at Ripple. Over his 7+ year tenure at the company, Eric has led high-performing teams across a range of disciplines including corporate strategy, global business operations, strategic partnerships, business development and marketing. Eric has 25+ years of business leadership. Prior to joining Ripple, Eric held senior positions with high-growth start-ups and Fortune 500 companies including Adobe, Yahoo!, Hightail, RedSwoosh, and He is known for his extensive experience in solving complex business problems and executing strategies that help technology companies systematically accelerate growth.






Jiahua Xu

Associate Professor, University College London

Head of Science, DLT Science Foundation

Title: Piercing the Veil of TVL: DeFi Reappraised





Total Value Locked (TVL) has been the standard metric for gauging the size and popularity of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols and ecosystems. Despite its widespread usage, TVL suffers from significant "double counting" issues, leading to inflated and misleading representations of actual value. In this talk, we explore the fundamental mechanics of DeFi protocols to uncover the root causes of double counting, both across and within protocols. We lay out how double counting should be eliminated from the bookkeeping and financial reporting perspective.

We further propose a new framework, Total Value Redeemable (TVR), designed to provide a more accurate and truthful measure of the value contained within DeFi protocols. Our empirical findings demonstrate a stark discrepancy between reported TVL figures and the newly proposed TVR, with differences peaking at $139.87 billion and a TVL-to-TVR ratio reaching approximately 2. Importantly, TVR proves to be a more stable and reliable metric, particularly during market downturns.

This talk will not only challenge existing valuation frameworks within DeFi but also set the stage for more robust and truthful financial metrics that better reflect the actual economic realities of the DeFi ecosystem.


Dr. Jiahua Xu is Associate Professor in Financial Computing at UCL, where she teaches Blockchain Technologies and Digital Finance. She serves as Programme Director of the MSc Emerging Digital Technologies under the UCL Computer Science Department, as well as Head of Science at the DLT Science Foundation. Dr. Xu teaches FinTech courses at various institutions, including EPFL, London Business School, and Center for Latin American Monetary Studies. She visited and has ongoing research collaboration with Harvard Business School, Imperial College London, and Vienna University of Economics and Business. Her research interests lie primarily in blockchain economics, behavioural finance, and risk management. She has published academic papers in top tier conferences in computer science as well as renowned journals in economics and finance.






Sebastian Bode,

Director of Engineering

Cardano Foundation

Title: The challenges of approach: Aligning the goals of research and development teams to ensure optimal implementation and adoption



The entities behind the Cardano blockchain claim it to be founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods. What sounds like a bold statement and a dream scenario for systems engineering for mission critical applications prompts divergent and multiple challenges and results in many learnings which are to be presented in this talk.


Research and engineering often face different impediments and can even have conflicting interests depending on the definition of an optimal solution. This can result in gaps and ambiguities when the former is translated for the latter in order to enable implementation. Formal specification is applied to mitigate these sometimes intricate pitfalls. This approach is not without its own risks and challenges: It requires discipline when applied and might even result in a misconception that a perfect specification is in place when it is in fact far from that state.


The application of formal verification methods, reference implementations derived from those, and common and less common software quality assurance measures each affect differently how the code is actually written, which in turn determines the maintainability of the code base and with this the operational resilience of the entire system. Whereas resilience is not solely defined through the maintainability of the code base, the governance of the network itself, often referred to as mainnet and which is ultimately just a single instantiation of the respective blockchain protocol, affects its sustainability in terms of security, economics and user experience. All three are important pillars for adoption, which should ultimately be the driving force behind any technological development.



Sebastian Bode is the Director of Engineering at the Cardano Foundation where he leads the Engineering and Research Teams. Applying his previous experience across financial services, the automotive industry, and the research sector, he drives development both internally within the Cardano Foundation and with development companies in the wider Cardano space. Sebastian holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Sciences and has been part of several open source software development projects as both an engineer and educator.






Jan Camenisch,

CTO,  DFINITY Foundation

Title: The future of compute is blockchain




Cybersecurity is becoming our next big global challenge. The cost caused by cybercrime damages as well as the money spent on IT security is ever increasing. With AI as a new tool to cybercriminals, this trend will very likely accelerate. The root problem is that the current IT stack is inherently insecure as it has grown organically with security requirements initially not being considered and later addressed only by bolt-on solutions such as firewalls, virus scanners, and intrusion detectors. This makes it nearly impossible to build and operate secure applications on this stack.

Nevertheless, there is a very prominent application that runs on the current IT stack and that has never been hacked despite being probably the largest honey-pot ever and despite the insecurity of the current stack: the bitcoin network. It obtains security by taking a radically different architectural approach: it is a distributed state machine realized by a cryptographic protocol, or as we say today, a blockchain.

It may seem that although successful generalizing bitcoin makes no sense: the bitcoin network has a slow transaction speed and limited throughput, its computational capacity is barely enough to maintain a ledger, nor is it Turing complete, and, despite these limitations, it consumes huge amounts of energy. In this talk we discuss how the principle of blockchain can be scaled to replace the current IT stack as a platform to build secure applications. In particular, we will look at the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP), a blockchain that has been designed from scratch with the explicit goal to provide all compute capacity that the world needs and to fundamentally address cybersecurity. We will discuss the protocol’s architecture and the different design challenges and decisions that were made. We conclude with an assessment to what ICP already achieves today and what is still required to be done towards the vision of all of humanity's software running on blockchain.



Jan Camenisch is CTO at the DFINITY Foundation and Director of the DFINITY Zurich Research Lab, building the Internet Computer. He also serves on Sovrin‘s Technical Governance Board. Before joining DFINITY, Jan was a Principal Research Staff Member at IBM Research – Zurich, where he was leading the Privacy & Cryptography research team and was a member of the IBM Academy of Technology.

He is a leading scientist in the area of privacy and cryptography and a Fellow of the IACR, IEEE, and ACM. Jan has published over 140 widely cited papers, was granted about 140 patents worldwide, and has received a number of awards for his work, including the 2010 ACM SIGSAC outstanding innovation award, the 2013 IEEE computer society technical achievement award, and the 2018 IFIP Kristian Beckman award.


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